Syed Hashir Ali

Software Engineer | Android | Kotlin | Compose | Kotlin Multiplatform

Hi there!
Myself Hashir, nice to have you here. Let me introduce myself, I am an android developer, who loves Kotlin!
I have 6+ years of experience in Android Development using Kotlin, Compose and Kotlin Multiplatform


Now that you are here, let's catch up!

[email protected]


The projects below are categorized in professional and personal capacity. Professional projects are the ones i have worked on but are not owned by me.


January 2019 - November 2020

Shipd: Package Shipping App

DescriptionTrack all your incoming and outgoing packages, it uses your camera to scan any package label then scan barcodes, QR codes, text & handwritten labels and finally receive automated notifications from the carrier to your door.
My ContributionI worked on the user management module of the application which includes user authentication and authorization.
TechnologiesJava, Kotiln, Single activity MVVM architecture, AWS Amplify, AWS Cognito, AWS S3 bucket, Facebook SDK For Developers, Google+ SDK

Mailroom by PackageX

DescriptionMailroom management software uses machine vision and AI to automate your mailroom and front desk operations.
My ContributionCompleted migration from Java to Kotlin for better readability and escaping the NPE (Nulll Pointer Exception), not only this but we moved from MVP to MVVM. During this migration i also rewrote the entire core feature of the app that is scanning and detecting barcodes and text using CameraX, Google OCR, Cloud Vision and Firebase ML APIs
TechnologiesJava, Kotiln, Single activity MVVM architecture, AWS Cognito, AWS S3 bucket, CameraX, Google Cloud Vision, Firebase,

Darvis Inc.

November 2020 - Present

4m2: Fitness and Live-Workouts

DescriptionA health and fitness application, that allows users to take live courses from certified trainers, watch videos from media library and maintain and track their diet challenges.
My ContributionDeveloped the app from scratch, pushing out updates and maintaining it. I took full responsibility and ownership of the app hence stepping out of my comfort zone. I was the solo android developer in Darvis for about 2 years hence i was managing the entire android stream
TechnologiesKotiln, Single activity MVVM architecture, Jitsi SDK for Android, Mollie Payment Gateway,

Moreno Holdings

DescriptionA real estate application that lets user book a piece of land and pay for it.
My ContributionDeveloped the app from scratch, pushing out updates and maintaining it. Developed complex multi view dynamic recycler views to display data and how to display it. Fully flexible to changes from the backend server.
TechnologiesKotiln, Single activity MVVM architecture, Firebase,

While these are two applications that are live on the playstore, during my time at Darvis i have worked on more than 7 applications which are not live due to some terms and policies by the client.
All these apps are based on artificial intelligence. How? They all are used to identify and track objects using live stream from CCTV cameras.

Capital University Annual Expo 2018

Secured 1st position for demonstrating our final year project. My FYP was targeted to minimize tremor, a common movement disorder in muscles. With the help of a device that we made by ourselves and a helper android app to show statistics. Our final year project stole the spotlight of the expo with many investors looking in invest in the idea as well.

Comsats Projects & Career Expo 2018

Secured 2nd position for demonstrating our final year project in Comsats Expo 2018

I know Hashir from my time at VisionX. Hashir is a young and Smart Android developer, A hard-working individual, and a fast learner, Hashir is highly competent and has a knack to identify critical issues because of the corner cases which developers usually forget to handle. He is a highly motivated, dedicated, and hardworking professional on whom you can rely on any kind of challenging task. He is always open to learn new technologies as well.

- From a team member at VisionX

I had the opportunity of working with Hashir during his time in VisionX. His continuous drive to learn made him one of the key members of team in such a short period of time. Because of his passion to stay up-to-date at all times, he was my go to guy for any new technique which was still in the Alpha stage. Hashir has a great work ethic. He takes ownership of his work and doesn't shy away from extra responsibility.

- From a senior product manager at VisionX

Hashir worked with me for over 1.5 years and during that time i was amazed by how he evolved himself from a beginner to an expert in Android Development. Apart from the cooperative and hardworking nature, i always liked how he dives deep in any task assigned to him. I believe his eagerness for gaining knowledge and learning new things will always add value to any organization he works for.

- From my line manager at VisionX